(Photo of logs on the Amazon River from Flickr and photographer P.C. Loadletter)
News Update: Illegal logging increased 228% in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest in August, compared with the same month a year ago, according to the country’s National Institute for Space Research, which monitors deforestation by satellite. This after three years of declining deforestation. Officials blame upcoming elections, with mayors allowing illegal logging in the hope of winning votes. Another cause is the increase in global food prices, which spurs clearing of land to raise cattle and grow soy for export. Deforestation is a major source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (Sources: New York Times/AP, Greenwire)
Blame eco-extremists for deforestation (and far, far worse).
Click here for more on the Ethanol Debacle.
The Ethanol Debacle is a classic example demonstrating why it is NEVER a good idea to allow political pressure groups and the politicians whom they purchase to determine (via subsidies, taxes, tariffs, etc.) which of the VAST range of potential next generation energy solutions will win and which will lose.
These matters, along with ALL OTHER economic matters are best left to the private sector free from government intervention. Anybody fool enough to think the current Housing Debacle is any different should read this.
Brazil is the largest exporter of ethanol, mostly to the EU. But at least the EU is initiating environmental and social conditions. In Ecuador the story is different where peasants are forced to distroy their own forests because of mistakes by the US congress. Look at www.ethanol-lie.com
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