(Photo of rain barrels from Flickr and photographer fireballsedai)
News Update: What can you do to help conserve an increasingly scarce resource – water? Well, growing numbers of people are setting out rain catchers to collect water to use on their lawn and plantings, and for things like flushing toilets and doing laundry. With severe droughts and water shortages in the Southwest and Southeast, catching rain can give some relief from water restrictions. The average American uses 101 gallons a day for their home and yard. Agricultural and industrial use per capita drives that up to 1.430 gallons/day. In addition to providing a scarce resource, rain barrels help prevent run-off from paved areas in downpours that can flow quickly into rivers instead of seeping into the soil. Storm surges, at their worst, cause flooding or rush to sewers, sometimes causing raw sewage to flow into lakes and oceans. Rain barrels may become more common as global warming causes more erratic weather, droughts and downpours. (Sources: MSNBC, Greenwire)
Interesting article. I lived for several years in Central America on rain water collected from my roof. When I travel there the places I stay often have that for everything from drinking water to sewage (although I do notice the flavor goes a bit south when birds use the roof a lot).
Thanks for your comment. Before there was plumbing just about everyone had rain barrels or something similar. I'm sure they're being used all over the world. Time for us to do it too.
So glad to see your posting on rain barrels - we just got ours from http://www.aquabarrel.com and they worked really great during the storm. I especially like that the overflow hose is really huge! NO water overflowed out the top of our rain barrel at all.....
Thanks for the information, which will be helpful to anyone thinking of getting a rain barrel.
Climate control plan can reduce hurricanes, droughts and wildfires...Top scientists agree.
Science concludes that revolutionary clean power climate control plan INDRA terraforming will improve the lives of billions of people.
INDRA will convert weather-generating deserts, which incubate storms, into more arable land with evaporated seawater.
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INDRA systems will give mankind control of the regional climate ultimately reducing dangerous hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, and dry heat waves within
a decade.
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