(Photo of hikers in Auyuittuq National Park from Flickr and photographer Peter Morgan
News Update 1: Strong southerly winds have melted a piece of Arctic ice in the Beaufort Sea the size of Texas, making it likely the Northwest Passage will be navigable for the second summer in a row. While end-of-summer ice melt is not expected to surpass last year’s record, it is likely to be a close second and Beaufort is open further north than ever before, one-third of the way from Alaska to the North Pole. The melting of the large chunk of ice is a sure sign of global warming, said Mark Serreze, of the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Elsewhere in the Arctic, record high temperatures forced closure of most of Auyuittuq National Park on Canada's Baffin Island. Melting permafrost, erosion and flooding led to evacuation by helicopter of 21 park visitors. Temperatures reached into the 80s for two weeks. The July average is usually 57. (Sources: Greenwire, Anchorage Daily News,PlanetArk )
1) Was it anthropogenic CO2 which facilitated the first navigation of the Northwest Passage in 1903-1906?
2) When your fellow alarmists refer to things like “last year’s record”, why is it they seldom mention over what time frame they are asserting this to be a so-called “record”?
This propaganda source at least had the decency to note that “monitoring began in 1978” (around the low point of a multi-decadal cooling trend which lasted from 1934 to 1979).
The chart in the previous link can be recreated here. It will likely show a different average line (owing to NOAA having corrected an error I pointed out to them).
Unfortunately, NOAA still has not yet made the corrections to their own database which forced James Hansen to admit that:
“1934 is the warmest year in the contiguous states”
You may recall the media hysteria generated by the 1934 to 1978 cooling trend. If not, this link and this link might refresh your memory.
So, to begin monitoring in 1978 was very convenient for those seeking to create hysteria over warming. But, it appears another multidecadal cooling trend began in 1998, is taking a nose dive this year and, quoting recent peer reviewed science:
“global surface temperature may not increase over the next decade”
3) If you think that there is anything even remotely unprecedented about the current climate, the easily verifiable charts in this post should clear that up.
4) IF the Northwest Passage opened up, that would prove to be yet ANOTHER BENEFIT of a warmer climate! Unfortunately that ain’t gonna happen! We’ve been in a cooling trend since 1998. And, the AMO/PDO cold cycles ensure we will be in a cooling trend for at LEAST another 10 years!
5) Please! Stop drinking the Kool-Aid!
I have reworked (and expanded upon) a previously referenced post originally aimed at a local audience so as to make it more appropriate for a broader audience.
The new post is titled “Current Temperatures in Context”.
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