(Photo of offshore drilling in Galveston from Flickr and photographer absolutwade/Beau Wade)
News Update 1: Two new polls are discouraging. They show growing numbers of voters favoring oil exploration in the U.S. and offshore. In Florida, specifically, a Rasmussen polls shows 59% of voters favoring offshore drilling. Breaking it out by party, 83% of Republicans, 38% of Dems and 54% of Independent are OK with offshore drilling in Florida, a substantial change since 2004. The same poll showed John McCain, who favors offshore drilling, leading Barack Obama, who doesn’t, 48-41. In a Pew Research national poll, 47% of the population wants to expand domestic drilling and open new power plants, compared with just 35% 5 months ago. There was a 10-point drop in those seeing conservation as the most important step on energy. Liberals’ favorables for oil exploration doubled from 22% to 45%. Half the people survey agreed with drilling in ANWR. The price at the pump trumps all. (Source: Greenwire)
Are you kidding?
That’s GREAT News!
It’s time to sing goodbye to the “Won’t do” Dems and embrace the concept of “Drill Here, Drill Now”.
Drill Here, Reduce the National Debt.
I’ve been on record for some time now saying this is THE issue which will not only defeat Obama (YEAH!), but result in perhaps the single biggest upset in Congressional election history.
If you ever tire of immersing yourself in the climate alarmist propaganda, you might want to check out some cold, hard, scientific facts (pun intended).
Drilling advocates have been drinking the Kool Aid even before Chevron found a pittance of oil five miles below sea level experimenting at its Jack site in the Gulf of Mexico a couple years ago.
The bottom line is that drilling is not even going to come close to lowering gas prices a significant amount for the long term. It's too bad the polls show that many people just don't understand it, or at least aren't willing to face up to it.
Cynthia's right: the price at the pump trumps all. It's a shame that we have a major political party like the GOP willing to exploit that dependence for profiteering. But that's what happens when the party is based on nothing more than a jumble of hypocrisies and contradictions.
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