Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tax credit extensions for wind, solar and efficiency pass Senate but await uncertain future

Although the Senate voted 88-8 last week to add $6 billion in tax credit extensions for renewable energy and efficiency to a housing bill, the future of the plan is still in question. The House passed a larger bill in February that was paid for by the repeal of oil subsidies, but it narrowly failed in the Senate. The bill passed last week did not include offsetting revenue and House leaders object to that. Because of the uncertain outcome, Senate Finance Chair Max Baucus (D-Mont.)his writing his own energy tax-credit bill, which he plans to unveil next week. The tax credits are due to expire the end of the year. (Source: Greenwire)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better than nothing, yet almost nothing in comparison with cost of the war in Iraq, which is $2 billion per week. (
Very sad, really, because all country could have had total renewable energy transformation only for the fraction of the costs of this war.